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Boat Walrus (2) |
Sister Ships Walrus (2), Dolfijn (4) Bruinvis, Zeeleeuw (2) |
Walrus (2) on fire, 14 Aug 1986
For additional photos and information please visit the official Walrus (2) website and check the 'related pages list' at the bottom of this page.
16 June/Aug 1979: The building contract for Walrus (2) is signed.
11 Oct 1979: Walrus (2) is laid down at the R.D.M. shipyard in Rotterdam
28 Oct 1985: Walrus (2) is launched.
14 Aug 1986 at 11:00 hrs: The completion of Walrus (2) is delayed by a serious fire which destroys the cabling and electronics. The fire is not extinguished until 16:00 hrs ! Because of the damage Zeeleeuw (2) will commission before Walrus (2). The damage is estimated at 225 million Dutch guilders.
As some equipment ordered for the Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis is diverted to the Walrus (2) there will be slight delays in the completion dates of Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis.
Because of the delay in the completion of Walrus (2) the boats Zeehond (3), Potvis and Tonijn (all three class) will all serve longer than planned.
Trials are scheduled to start in Apr 1987.
13 Sep 1989: Walrus (2) is re-launched.
15 Jan 1990 - 15 Aug 1991: Walrus (2) is under the command of .
12 Sep 1990: First trials of Walrus (2).
24 - 27 Nov 1990: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
18 - 21 May 1991: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
26 May 1991: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
31 May - 4 Jun 1991: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
?16 Jan 1992? - 25 Mar 1992: Walrus (2) is under the command of .
25 Mar 1992: Walrus (2) is commissioned to the Royal Netherlands Navy. will be her commander until 7 July 1993.
2 - 6 Apr 1992: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
15 - 18 May 1992: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
22 - 27 May 1992: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
29 May 1992: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
13 June 1992: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
4 - 7 Dec 1992: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
10 Jan 1994 - July 1996: Walrus (2) is under the command of
27 Jan - 3 Feb 1994: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
31 Mar - 1 Apr 1994: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
11 - 12 Apr 1994: Walrus (2) visits Faslane (Scotland).
(expected) 30 Jan 1995: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder (home port).
(expected) 6 Feb 1995: Walrus (2) visits Madeira (Portugal).
(expected) 19 Feb - 24 Feb 1995: Walrus (2) visits Roosevelt Roads (Puerto Rico ) Naval Station.
(expected) 17 Mar - 21 Mar 1995: Walrus (2) visits St. Thomas (Virgin Islands).
(expected) 14 Apr - 21 Apr 1995: Walrus (2) visits Barbados.
(expected) 8 May 1995: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
(expected) 20 Mar 1996: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder (home port).
(expected) 10 Apr - 15 Apr 1996: Walrus (2) visits Valetta (Malta).
(expected) 14 May 1996: Walrus (2) visits Mallorca .
(expected) 6 May 1996: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
4 - 14 June 1996: Walrus (2) participates in the NATO submarine rescue exercise operation "Sorbet Royal
Go to for more information
Aug 1997 - Jul 1999: Walrus (2) is under the command of Ltz. I .
Aug 1997: The Walrus (2) returns to active service after being under repair for a year. The new Commander, Ltz. I , will take the boat to Norwegian waters for a four-week period of trials and work-up.
29 Sep - 3 Oct 1997: Walrus (2) visits Norway, port unknown.
15 - 16 Nov 1997: The Walrus (2) and her crew pass the operational examine conducted in Scottish waters. This exam ends a two-week CSST-period (Captain Sea Shore Training). The Walrus (2) was based at Faslane (U.K.) during this period.
3 May 1998: Walrus (2) visits Zeebrugge (Belgium).
1999: Dolfijn (4) and Walrus (2) participate in the NATO naval exercise Northern Light '99. Before taking part in the actual exercise the Dolfijn(4) and the Belgian-Dutch squadron do a work-up in the permanent submarine exercise area in the North Sea. This work-up is followed by a another work-up North and West of Scotland together with French, German, English and Spanish task forces. In the area North and West of Scotland the Dolfijn (4) is relieved by the Walrus (2).
2 - 19 Feb 1999: Walrus (2) sails from Den Helder, via Plymouth (England) to Chesapeak Bay, Norfolk (USA). She is one week behind the Dutch/Belgian squadron.
? - 22 Feb 1999: Walrus (2) visits Norfolk (USA)
23 Feb - 2 Mar 1999: Walrus (2) participates, among other NATO navies and the Brazilian navy, in the exercise JTFEX / TMDI99.
JTFEX / TMDI99 stands for Joint Task Force Exercise / Theatre Missile Defence Initiative 1999. The exercise is held in the Caribbean and on the US main land and has 27000 participants, of which 15000 naval participants. This exercise is the biggest gathering of forces since the Gulf-war, is held from 1 Feb to 4 Mar 1999.
The T-shirt that was designed by the Walrus (2) crew to celebrate the 'sinking' of US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt. |
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During this exercise the Walrus (2) penetrates the US screen and 'sinks' many ships, including the US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71. The submarine launches two attacks and manages to sneak away. To celebrate the sinking the crew designed a special T-shirt. Other ships that are sunk by the Walrus (2) during this exercise are: USS Boise SSN-764, Ro?m DDG-70, R? DDG-61, Ville De Quebec FFH/FFG-332, Stephen W. Grooves FFG-29, Holstein F-216, Vella Gulf CG-55, Mount Whitney LCC-20.
3 - 7 Mar 1999: Walrus (2) visits Charleston (SC,USA).
In this period the Walrus (2) exercises ASW together with the Dutch/Belgium squadron, USS Thomas S. Gates, HMS Montrose, FS Jean de Vienne and Dutch and American MPA's.
The crew has to eat their way through 150 kilo of chicken. 150 chicken legs were ordered, but 150 kilo chicken was delivered.
16 - 20 Mar 1999: Walrus (2) visits Nassau (New Providence, Bahamas). Off Nassau the towed array was deployed and the submarines headed for the AUTEC (Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre) underwater range, which is off and on Andros island. On this US Navy range, which is in a bay, it is possible to 3-D track torpedoes and submarines.
Visit the AUTEC website for more information on the AUTEC range.
28 Mar 1999: Off Nassau the towed array is detached.
2 - 12 Apr 1999: Walrus (2) visits Curaçao.
2 Apr 1999: Walrus (2) together with De Ruyter, Zuiderkruis and Van Nes arrive in Willemstad (Curaçao).
14 - 18 Apr 1999: Walrus (2) visits Fredericksted, St. Croix (US Virgin Islands). During this visit she is refuelled.
28 Apr - 2 May 1999: Walrus (2) visits Roosevelt Roads (Puerto Rico).
Off Puerto Rico the Walrus (2) conduct an other exercise with the Dutch/Belgian squadron.
29 Apr 1999: Walrus (2) takes an underwater look at Hr.Ms. De Ruyter.
Until mid may 1999 the Walrus (2) supports the CCOLVO manoeuvres of the Dutch/Belgian squadron.
14 - 16 May 1999: Walrus (2) visits San Juan (Puerto Rico).
17 May - 3 June 1999: Walrus (2) sails back to her home port Den Helder.
Jul 1999 - 7 Jul 2000: Walrus (2) is under the command of .
11 Feb 2000 at 14:00 hrs: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder and sails to Kristiansand (Norway).
One of the purposes of this voyage is work-up of the crew (mainly technical safety) which has been reduced from 60 to 52.
18 Feb 2000: Walrus (2) arrives in Kristiansand (Norway).
21 Feb:2000: Walrus (2) departs from Kristiansand (Norway).
23 Feb 2000 at 10:00 hrs: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder.
Mar 2000: Walrus (2) is at Den Helder.
18 Mar - 1 Jun: Walrus (2) makes a trip to
18 Mar 2000 at 14:00 hrs: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder.
24 Mar 2000: Walrus (2) is expected to arrive in Devonport (U.K.).
27 Mar 2000: Walrus (2) is expected to depart from Devonport (U.K.).
Week #13 2000: Walrus (2) participates in a U.K. FOST (Flag Officer Sea Training) exercise in the U.K.'s southern waters. A FOST exercise is used to work-up ships. Walrus (2) is used for Anti Submarine Warfare training of surface vessels.
12 Apr 2000: Walrus (2) arrives in La Coruna (Spain).
17 Apr 2000: Walrus (2) departs from La Coruna (Spain).
28 Apr 2000: Walrus (2) arrives in Brest (France).
1 May 2000: Walrus (2) departs from Brest (France).
2 May - 15 May 2000: Walrus (2) participates in exercise Linked Seas 2000. Other participating Dutch units are M-frigate Karel Doorman and two Lockheed P3C Orion airplanes.
Linked Seas 2000 is a 'naval control of shipping' exercise from May 2 - 15, 2000 in an area bounded by 43.5 N 008.33 W thence south along the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and Africa to 30.0 N thence W to 30.0 N 020.0 W thence N to 43.5 N 018.0 W and back to the starting point.
16 May 2000: Walrus (2) arrives at the Gibraltar Naval Base.
18 May 2000: Walrus (2) departs from Gibraltar.
28 May 2000: Walrus (2) arrives in Zeebrugge (Belgium).
31 May 2000: Walrus (2) departs from Zeebrugge ( Belgium).
1 June 2000: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder.
7 Jul 2000: Ltz. I is relieved from his Walrus (2) command. No new commander will be appointed since a long docking/overhaul is planned for the Walrus (2).
25 Aug 2000: on board the submarines Walrus (2) and Zeeleeuw (2) a defect on the 'afsluitkleppen' (closing valves) has been reported. The valves of the boats Bruinvis and Dolfijn (4) are currently being checked. These valves prevent seawater from entering the exhaust system when a submarine submerges. The defect was discovered during routine maintenance at the Dutch Navy Yard in Den Helder. Navy spokesman A. Meeldijk stated " . . possibly the problem is corrosion or fractures . .the safety of the crews has not been in danger at all since the valve system is backed up by an other system. . "
Sep 2000: The valve problem (see Aug 25) is so serious that all four Walrus (2) class boats have been withdrawn from active service. Inspection showed 'micro fractures' en 'micro rust' (tension corrosion) on the inboard closing valves of the diesel engine exhaust.
These closing valves prevent water from entering the exhaust when the sub is submerged. This means that the valves are exposed to the full hydrostatic pressure outside the sub. For safety there are two valves fitted, an inboard and an outboard valve, which are both designed to withstand the full hydrostatic pressure at maximum diving depth (over 300 M).
Two boats can be repaired temporarily (the valves can be repaired) within a few months. The two other subs will be withdrawn from active duty for a much longer period, about 8 to 12 months, because of the long delivery times of the Italian valve manufacturer. The valves of these latter two subs are damaged to such an extend that a 'quick' repair is impossible.
It is estimated that the first repaired valve can be fitted in the second half of November 2000 and the second probably early December 2000. The cost per submarine, for all four subs, will be about 700000 Dutch guilders (300000 Euro).23 Oct 2000: Today it is reported that to fix the Walrus (2)-class exhaust valve problems Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis will be fitted with repaired valves, Zeeleeuw (2) and Walrus (2) will receive brand new valves. At a later date the repaired valves of Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis will be replaced by new ones as well. When all goes as planned the Dolfijn (4) will make her next voyage on Nov. 25 and Bruinvis on Dec. 7. Both voyages without any diving depth restrictions.
24 Oct 2000: In May 2001 Walrus(2) will be the first sub to be fitted with a brand new 'snort exhaust closing valve'. The Italian manufacturer can not deliver the valve any sooner.
31 Aug 2001 at 14:00 hrs: Dolfijn (4) is temporarily decommissioned in order to get her xx maintenance. Most of the crew in transferred to the Walrus (2) and Bruinvis.
Nov 2001: In a speech Mr. Hamilton’s (US Navy) says the following on the Dutch Submarines: ".....The Dutch have developed a system where submariners pull up to a pier, hook the boat up to shore cables, and go home, leaving a few sailors in a bunkhouse to watch fire, flooding and security alarms for everyone who is in port. That means the sailors are on watch one in 30 days while they are in port; until recently, many U.S. submarines operated on a one in three watch cycle. The Dutch submarines have also automated the boats to the point where a sailor preparing to “snorkel,” or come to the surface to draw air and run the engines, just pushes a “prepare to snorkel” button and the systems bring the boat into position, lines up all the valves and start the engines, making that process much less labour intensive....."
Late 2001 - 18 Aug 2004: Walrus (2) is under the command of H. H. Liebregs.
Walrus (2) makes a SASWU trip.
18 Feb - 21 Feb 2002: Walrus (2) visits Ulsnes (Norway).
22 Feb - 25 Feb 2002: Walrus (2) visits Stavanger (Norway).
26 Feb - 1 Mar 2002: Walrus (2) visits Herdlefjord (Norway).
2 Mar 2002: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
4 Apr 2002 at 15:15 hrs: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder (home port).
Apr 2002: Walrus (2) departs from Faslane (Scotland).
?5? May 2002: Walrus (2) arrives in Devonport (England).
8 May 2002: Walrus (2) departs from Devonport (England).
14 June 2002: Walrus (2) arrives in Dublin (Ireland).
17 June 2002: Walrus (2) departs from Dublin (Ireland).
20 June 2002: Walrus (2) arrives in Devonport (England).
21 June 2002: Walrus (2) departs from Devonport (England).
17 July 2002: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
23 Aug 2002: The Dutch Submarine Service (OZD) celebrates its 95th anniversary in Amsterdam. Actually the 95th anniversary would have been on 21 Dec 2001 (since the first Dutch sub, the O 1, was commissioned on 21 Dec 1906) but it is celebrated today because all 4 Dutch submarines are now in port and open to the public.
16 Sept 2002: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder. She will travel to the Arabic Sea and the Persian Gulf to support the international anti-terrorist operation "Enduring Freedom".
Operation Enduring Freedom: It has been reported that several non-Dutch translators (speaking Arabic) were on board the Walrus (2) while the sub was operating in the Arabic Sea and the Persian Gulf.
25 Sep 2002: Walrus (2) visits Palma de Majorca (Majorca).
8 Oct 2002: Walrus (2) visits Aksaz (Turkey?).
22 Oct 2002: Walrus (2) visits Muscat (Oman).
21 Nov 2002: In an interview with Radio Netherlands Secretary of State for Defense Van der Knaap states that the Walrus (2) is gathering information on the Iranian Navy, as requested by the USA.
18 Nov 2002: Walrus (2) visits Dubai (UAE). In Dubai a Dutch 'signal annalist' is put ashore.
12 Dec 2002: Walrus(2) arrives in Barcelona (Spain).
27 Dec 2002: Just before noon: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port). The 24th was the planned date of arrival.
26 Feb 2003: 50 crew members of the Walrus (2) receive a medal for their contributions to operation "Enduring Freedom". From Sept to Dec 2002 the Walrus (2) has been gathering intelligence in the Arabic Sea and the Persian Gulf, according to some sources she has been 'spying' on the Iranian Navy. The medals are awarded by Commander Naval Forces Netherlands, vice-admiral J. van der Aa.
Walrus crew receiving their medal, Den Helder 26 Feb 2003. (Photo: © Mindef). 4 (probably incorrect) or 7 April: Walrus (2) arrives in Aksaz.
25 - 28 March 2003: Walrus (2) visits Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Walrus (2) heads for the Persian Gulf in order to assist in operation "Enduring Freedom". Her scheduled trip to the USA is cancelled.
9 Apr 2003: Walrus (2) is at the entrance of the Suez Canal. She will sail through the canal together with the frigate Karel Doorman.
23 - 26 Apr 2003: Walrus (1) visits Mina Jabal Ali (UAE).
31 May 2003: Walrus (1) arrives in Jabal Ali (UAE).
2 June 2003: Walrus (2) departs from Jabal Ali (UAE).
15 June 2003: Walrus (2) arrives in Port Suez.
16 June 2003: Walrus (2) departs from Port Suez.
20 June - 26 June 2003: Walrus (2) visits La Valetta (Malta).
Walrus (2) departs at 15:00 hrs on June 26th.
26 June - 3 July 2003: After the departure from La Valetta the crew is trialled with several so called 'index exercises'.
Fortunately there is also some time for a BBQ.
4 July: Walrus (2) arrives in La Coruna (Spain)
7 July 2003: Walrus (2) departs from La Coruna (Spain)
11 July 2003: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
6 Oct 2003: Walrus (2) departs from Den Helder (Home port)
10 Oct - 13 Oct 2003: Walrus (2) visits Cork (Ireland).
17 Oct 2003: Walrus (2) arrives in Devonport/Plymouth (England).
24 Oct shortly after noon - 27 Oct 2003: Walrus (2) visits Portsmouth (England). She departs at approximately 11:00 hrs.
This departure can be seen at the Portsmouth Webcam Archives. - 11:04 hrs - , - 11:06 hrs - and - 11:08 hrs -.
This week is used for FOST and INDEX training.
27 Oct - 28 Oct 2003 around noon: Two journalists of the Dutch naval magazine Alle Hens visit the Walrus (2).
31 Oct 2003 at 09:30 hrs - 3 Nov 2003 at noon: Walrus (2) visits Plymouth (England).
10 Nov 2003 at +/- 14:00 hrs: Walrus (2) arrives in Den Helder (home port).
21 Apr - 24 Apr: Walrus (2) visits Falmouth (England).
21 May 2004: Walrus (2) arrives at the Duchy wharf in Falmouth (England).
30 May - 2 Jun: Walrus (2), Mercuur (4) and various Dutch surface units conduct a Torpedo Firing Exercise S-W off England.
16 Aug 2004: The Walrus (2) crew returns from their summer leave and starts preparing the boat.
+/-20 Aug 2004: The foundation "Den Helder Marinestad" had awarded the Walrus (2) for being the most friendliest crew during the Naval Days. Chairman L. Swaneveld has awarded a certificate and 1000 Euros (to be donated to a good cause) to the Cdt. of the Submarine Service.
18 Aug 2004 - Present day: Walrus (2) is under the command of W.H.A. Rouwhorst.
23 Aug 2004: Walrus (2) departs Den Helder and heads for the Southern Norwegian waters.
9 Sep 2004: Walrus (2) is scheduled to arrive in Bergen (Norway).
13 Sep 2004: Walrus (2) is scheduled to depart from Den Helder (home port).
17 Sep 2004: Walrus (2) is scheduled to arrive in Den Helder (home port).
26 Nov 2004: Walrus (2) is scheduled to arrive in La Coruna (Spain).
29 Nov 2004: Walrus (2) is scheduled to depart from La Coruna (Spain).
3rd quarter 2004 - 3rd quarter 2005: Walrus (2) will be decommissioned for her MJO (Multiple Year Maintenance)
Walrus(2) related pages |
Walrus (2) boat history |
Walrus (2) in the 2000's |
Walrus (2) class video footage |
Walrus(2) related books |
none |
Off-site |
Official Walrus (2) website |
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