Member of Class |
Boat Bruinvis |
Sister Ships Walrus (2), Dolfijn (4) Bruinvis, Zeeleeuw (2) |
For additional photos and information please visit the off-site Hr. Ms. Bruinvis homepage and check the 'related pages list' at the bottom of this page.
16 Aug 1985: The building contract for the Bruinvis is signed.
Late 1985: Prefabrication for Bruinvis starts
14 Apr 1988: Bruinvis is laid down at the R.D.M. shipyard in Rotterdam.
14 Aug 1986: The completion of Walrus (2) is delayed due to a serious fire which destroyed the cabling and computers. Zeeleeuw (2) will therefore be commissioned before Walrus (2).
As some equipment that was ordered for Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis is transferred to the Walrus (2) there are to be slight delays in the Dolfijn (4) and the Bruinvis completion dates.
198?: Bruinvis is launched.
7 Dec 1992 - 5 July 1994: Bruinvis is under the command of .
4 Mar - 25 Oct 1993 Bruinvis conducts trials.
Year/date unknown: The rumour has it that when the Bruinvis is on her first NATO tour (visiting several NATO countries) the US Navy tries to "ambush" the brand new Dutch submarine with 4 Los Angeles class submarines. But the Bruinvis hears the US Subs before she her self is heard.
27 - 29 May 1993: Bruinvis visits Faslane (Scotland).
3 - 7 June 1993: Bruinvis visits Faslane (Scotland).
17 Jun - 20 Jun 1993: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
22 Jun - 26 Jun 1993: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
5 July 1994: Bruinvis is commissioned to the Royal Netherlands Navy.
5 July - 15 July 1994: Bruinvis is under the command of .
15 July - 22 July 1994: Bruinvis is temporarily under the command of .
22 July 1994 - 28 Aug 1995: Bruinvis is under the command of .
13 Feb - 7 May 1995: Bruinvis sails to the United Arab Emirates to participate in IDEX 1995 (International Defence EXhibition).
13 Feb 1995: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder.
26 Feb-28 Feb 1995: Bruinvis visits Iraklion (Crete)
2 Mar - 3 Mar 1995: Bruinvis sails from Port Said to Suez (Egypt).
16 Mar - 26 Mar 1995: Bruinvis visits Abu Dhabi (UAE), and participates in the IDEX'95.
29 Mar - 1 Apr 1995: Bruinvis visits Abu Dhabi (UAE).
5 Apr - 8 Apr 1995: Bruinvis visits Muscat (Oman).
18 Apr 1995: Bruinvis sails from Suez to Port Said (Egypt).
26 Apr - 29 Apr 1995: Bruinvis visits Palma de Mallorca (Mallorca).
7 May 1995: Bruinvis arrives in her home port Den Helder.
Bruinvis sailed a total of 14100 nm and used 860.285 t of fuel
Read the book for more info about this journey.
28 Aug 1995 - Mid 1997: Bruinvis is under the command of .
22 Nov - 12 Dec 1995: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
(expected) 22 Jan 1996: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port).
(expected) 12 Feb 1996: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
31 Jan - 5 Feb 1997: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
7 Oct - 10 Oct 1997: Bruinvis visits the IMDEX 97 (International Maritime Defence Exhibition 1997) in Greenwich (U.K.).
Mid 1997 - Jul 1999: Bruinvis is under the command of .
17 Oct - 20 Oct 5: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
26 Oct 1997: Bruinvis finished her last voyage of 1997. She participated in several exercises with, among others, the Dutch Dolfijn and the British H.M.S. Splendid. After a short visit to Den Helder (home port) for repairs she sailed to the FOST-area south of England for a three week exercise. Bruinvis headed for London following the FOST exercise in order to participate in the IMDEX exposition. The NATO AUTUMN 97 exercise and a Partnership for peace exercise with the Polish vessel the Kazub followed IMDEX. After a visit to Stavanger, Bruinvis arrived in Den Helder (home port) on 26 October.
4 Mar - 7 Mar 1998: Bruinvis visits the Spanish port of La Coruña . Before this visit the submarine participated in a PASSEX exercise with the Spanish frigate Andalucía of the Baleares class (Source: 'Revista General de Marina', May 1998).
9 Mar - 21 Mar 1998: Two Dutch submarines participate in the NATO exercise 'Strong Resolve', one of the larger NATO naval exercises of 1998. Units will operate in Norwegian, Spanish and Portuguese waters, a North and South conflict will be simulated. Among the participants of the south conflict is the Dutch submarine Bruinvis.
16 Oct - 19 Oct: Bruinvis visits Cork/Dublin (Ireland).
23 Oct - 9 Nov 1998: Bruinvis participates in Joint Maritime Exercise off Scotland.
From Defence Systems Daily: RN, RAF run Joint Maritime Exercise off Scotland.
This autumn's Royal Navy and Royal Air Force Joint Maritime Course 983 will be the largest ever to be conducted in the waters off the north and north-west of Scotland. Taking part in the exercise which began on 23 October and will run until 9 November 1998 will be a total of 47 ships, seven submarines and 60 aircraft from twelve nations taking part. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JMCs are U.K. national courses which are held three times a year and aim to ensure that the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, whenever called upon, work together effectively as a joint task force. This is achieved by providing training in a multi-threat environment (surface, sub-surface and air) for Royal Navy ships and submarines and Royal Air Force maritime aircraft, together with invited NATO and allied navies and air forces. . . . . . . . . . . .The sub surface threat will be provided by the Fleet Submarines HMS Spartan, USS Hartford, HNLMS Bruinvis, German Navy FGS U22, Royal Danish Navy HDMS Saelen, French Navy FS LA Praya and Royal Norwegian Navy HNOMS Stord.
11 Feb - 15 Feb 1999: Bruinvis visits Norway, port unknown.
16 Feb - 3 Mar 1999: Bruinvis participates in the NATO exercise ''Battle Griffin 99".
Norway hosts one of the largest NATO exercises ever to have taken place in the country. About 20000 soldiers, 7000 vehicles, 175 aircrafts and 42 ships from eight nations take part in Battle Griffin '99, demonstrating the Alliance' resolve and readiness to secure the collective security of its member countries. Sea, Land as well as Air forces participate in this exercise. Other submarines taking part are: HMS Superb, HNoMS Stors, HNoMS Svenner, USS Pittsburgh and FGS U22.
Early Apr 1999: Bruinvis is at her home port (Den Helder).
May - early June 1999: During Bruinvis voyage to ? a so called 'commanders training/exam' is conducted on board the sub. At least two, and maybe more, men pass the test: Ltz. I (future commander of Zeeleeuw (2)) and Ltz. I (future commander of Dolfijn (4))
June 6 2000: A spotter reported "I saw what I believe was Bruinvis in Loch Long (the Clyde)".
Aug 1999: The "Meerjarig Onderhoud" (overhaul) maintenance of Bruinvis is started. It is expected the maintenance is completed before the end of 2000. Among other things she will be equipped with the new '' and will also get a new paintjob.
20 Feb - 16 Mar 2000: During Dolfijn (4)'s current voyage there is a so called 'commanders training/exam' on board, the exam will probably be held during Dolfijn (4)'s next trip. One of the guys that passes this training will be the future commander of Bruinvis, which is currently being overhauled and has no commander.
7 July 2000: By use of the ships lift the Bruinvis is put in the water again and is docked at dock 60 of the Den Helder navy yard. Officially the Bruinvis is commissioned again today.
?Jul? 2000 - ?20 May 2001: Bruinvis is under the command of .
25 Aug 2000: on board the submarines Walrus (2) and Zeeleeuw (2) a defect on the 'afsluitkleppen' (closing valves) has been reported. The valves of the boats Bruinvis and Dolfijn (4) are currently being checked. These valves prevent seawater from entering the exhaust system when a submarine submerges. The defect was discovered during routine maintenance at the Dutch Navy Yard in Den Helder. Navy spokesman A. Meeldijk stated " . . possibly the problem is corrosion or fractures . .the safety of the crews has not been in danger at all since the valve system is backed up by an other system. . "
Sep 2000: The valve problem (see Aug 25) is so serious that all four Walrus (2) class boats have been withdrawn from active service. Inspection showed 'micro fractures' en 'micro rust' (tension corrosion) on the inboard closing valves of the diesel engine exhaust.
These closing valves prevent water from entering the exhaust when the sub is submerged. This means that the valves are exposed to the full hydrostatic pressure outside the sub. For safety there are two valves fitted, an inboard and an outboard valve, which are both designed to withstand the full hydrostatic pressure at maximum diving depth (over 300 M).
Two boats can be repaired temporarily (the valves can be repaired) within a few months. The two other subs will be withdrawn from active duty for a much longer period, about 8 to 12 months, because of the long delivery times of the Italian valve manufacturer. The valves of these latter two subs are damaged to such an extend that a 'quick' repair is impossible.
It is estimated that the first repaired valve can be fitted in the second half of November 2000 and the second probably early December 2000. The cost per submarine, for all four subs, will be about 700000 Dutch guilders (300000 Euro).29 Sep Oct 2000: Bruinvis leaves the Den Helder Navy Shipyard and is currently moored at dock 19 of the Den Helder Navy Base.
6 Oct 2000: Bruinvis is officially re-commissioned.
The re-commissioning ceremony of Bruinvis, Oct 6 2000. (Photo: © Bruinvis homepage) 18 Oct 2000: Today it is made public that Bruinvis will make a short 'work-up' trip in December 2000. Her departure date will probably be Dec. 7.
23 Oct 2000: Today it is reported that to fix the Walrus (2)-class exhaust valve problems Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis will be fitted with repaired valves, Zeeleeuw (2) and Walrus (2) will receive brand new valves. At a later date the repaired valves of Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis will be replaced by new ones as well. When all goes as planned the Dolfijn (4) will make her next voyage on Nov. 25 and Bruinvis on Dec. 7. Both voyages without any diving depth restrictions.
24 Oct 2000: The 'emergency' repair on the snort-exhaust valves of Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis has gone much better/smoother then expected. Therefore the submarine service will investigate whether a repair on Zeeleeuw(2)'s valve is possible as well.
7 Dec 2000: It is expected that today Bruinvis will depart for a short 'work-up' voyage.
14 Dec - 20 Dec 2000: Bruinvis makes a short work-up trip. Among other things she makes several 'deep dives'.
Dec 2000: The "agendas" of Dolfijn (4) and Bruinvis are both already " booked" for a total of 8 months in 2001.
Early 2001: Bruinvis will be dry-docked for a short period.
30 Jan 2001: Bruinvis departs Den Helder for a work-up voyage. After about a week the SASWU (Staff Assistant Safety Work Up) team, that consists of 10 (sub)-officers, will test/train the boat and crew by presenting them many different scenarios. The boat and crew passed the test with flying collars and the boat is now 'oefengereed' (ready for exercising).
4 Jan 2001 in the evening: Bruinvis arrives in Kristiansand, Norway.
5 Feb 2001: At 07:00 hrs the SASWU team arrives and Bruinvis departs from Kristiansand. She returns at 18:30 hrs.
8 Feb 2001: During this last 'SASWU' day the Bruinvis has to drop 2 special agents on the Norwegian coast. These agents came on board by means of a helicopter.
9 Feb 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Kristiansand, Norway.
12 Feb 2001: Bruinvis departs from Kristiansand, Norway.
Mid Feb 2001: Bruinvis is currently working-up for CSST (Captain Sea Shore Training).
19 Feb 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Faslane (Scotland).
23 Feb 2001: Bruinvis departs from Faslane (Scotland).
Feb 26 - Mar 6 2001: Bruinvis participates in exercise JMC-011, Which is held off Scotland from February 26 to March 6, 2001
28 Feb 2001: Vice Admiral Buffart CZMNED visits, for 12 hours, the Bruinvis. He is transferred to the submarine with a boat.
8 Mar 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Faslane (Scotland).
9 Mar 2001: Bruinvis departs from Faslane (Scotland).
13 or 18 Mar 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Leith (Scotland).
In the Norwegian area the Bruinvis fires several exercise torpedoes and tunes her firing control equipment.
19 Mar 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Sognafjorden (Norway).
29 Mar 2001: Bruinvis scheduled to depart from Sognafjorden (Norway).
30 Mar 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Bergen (Norway) where the Norwegian navy celebrates its birthday.
2 Apr 2001 in the morning: Bruinvis departs from Bergen (Norway) and heads for the Herdle fjords
1 Apr 2001 in the afternoon: Bruinvis arrives in the Herdlefjord (Norway).
Bruinvis conducts sound trials at the range in the Herdle fjords near Hegerness. She sails at different speeds with many different pumps either switched on or off. She conducts these trials until the night from 5 to 6 Apr.
6 Apr 2001: Bruinvis departs from the Herdlefjord (Norway).
8 Apr 2001 at 10:00 hrs: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
Bruinvis is dry-docked
20 May 2001: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder.
20 May - 27 May 2001: During the first week of this trip the Bruinvis is under the command of Ltz. I .
28 May 2001 - Sep 2001: Bruinvis is under the command of
28 May 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Faslane (Scotland). She will take part in the festivities that celebrate the Clyde Submarine Base anniversary.
Group of submarines visiting Faslane in order to celebrate the Clyde Submarine Base anniversary. In the centre the Dutch Bruinvis. Faslane May 29 2001 (Photo: © David McArthur). |
8 June 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Dublin (Ireland). After the weekend the SMCC (SubMarine Command Course) will start.
11 June 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Dublin (Ireland).
18 - 28 June 2001: The British maritime exercise ‘Joint Maritime Course 01-2’ is held in the Northern part of the North Sea and Scotland. A total of 46 ships, 5 submarines and 1400 marines from 13 countries are part of the exercise. The Royal Netherlands Navy participates with two naval units: The submarine Bruinvis and the Mine hunter Vlaardingen.
18 June 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Faslane (Scotland).
19 June 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Faslane (Scotland).
2 July 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Loch Ewe (Scotland).
4 July 2001: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Loch Ewe (Scotland).
8 July 2001: The SMCC (SubMarine Command Course) has ended.
?10? July - 16 July 2001: During the last week of this trip the Bruinvis is under the command of Ltz. I .
12 July 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Zeebrugge (Belgium).
15 July 2001 at 16:00 hrs: Bruinvis departs from Zeebrugge (Belgium) and heads for Den Helder.
16 July 2001 at 11:00 hrs: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
31 Aug 2001 at 14:00 hrs: Dolfijn (4) is temporarily decommissioned in order to get her TTO (TweedeTraps Onderhoud) or Second Stage Maintenance. Most of the crew in transferred to the Walrus (2) and Bruinvis.
Sep 2001 - 19 Aug 2002: Bruinvis is under the command of Ltz. I
25 Sep 2001: The Helderse Courant reports that the Dutch Navy has appointed several ships that could be used in possible NATO operations in the "war against terrorism". Several sources report that the following ships are on the list: Frigates Van Nes and Jacob van Heemskerk, the LPD Rotterdam, and submarine Bruinvis.
8 Oct 2001: Scheduled: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder. During this trip she will first, with the assistance of tender Mercuur (4), fire several exercise torpedoes.
12 Oct 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Bergen (Norway).
15 Oct 2001: Bruinvis departs from Bergen (Norway).
19 Oct 2001: Bruinvis hits an unidentified submerged object in the Norwegian Sognefjord. The crew hears clearly that the boat has hit something. Divers inspect the boat and report damage on the bottom of the submarine. Bruinvis breaks off her scheduled program and sails (surfaced) back to Den Helder.
The following scheduled ports are not visited:
23 Oct 2001: Scheduled Bruinvis arrives at Ulsnes Navy Base (Norway).
26 Oct 2001: Bruinvis sails from the Ulsnes Navy Base (Norway).
26 Oct 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Stavanger (Norway).23 Oct 2001 around 09:00 hrs: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
24 Oct 2001: The Navy has no idea (yet) what kind of object hit the Bruinvis. Navy spokesman A. van der Linde states: "It could be a piece of rock as well as a whale. The sonar, which could have warned for the object, is not online all the time"
Today (24 Oct) the submarine will be dry-docked in order to allow further inspection of the hull.
Originally (before the collision) it was planned to fit the submarine with a new radar and prepare her for departure (from Den Helder) on 2 Nov. Due to the recent developments this sailing date must probably be postponed.
31 Oct 2001: The repairs of Bruinvis will take an estimated two weeks. The Navy yard has to install some new plating forward and aft a dive plane has to be repaired. The polyester cover of the sonar must also be repaired, the drying of this polyester will take some time.
A special Navy committee will investigate the Oct 19 collision.Nov 2001: In a speech Mr. Hamilton’s (US Navy) says the following on the Dutch Submarines: ".....The Dutch have developed a system where submariners pull up to a pier, hook the boat up to shore cables, and go home, leaving a few sailors in a bunkhouse to watch fire, flooding and security alarms for everyone who is in port. That means the sailors are on watch one in 30 days while they are in port; until recently, many U.S. submarines operated on a one in three watch cycle. The Dutch submarines have also automated the boats to the point where a sailor preparing to “snorkel,” or come to the surface to draw air and run the engines, just pushes a “prepare to snorkel” button and the systems bring the boat into position, lines up all the valves and start the engines, making that process much less labour intensive....."
3 Nov 2001: It is reported that the Oct 19 collision was a human navigational error. Sailing at a depth of 15 meters the Bruinvis tried to evade the rock by a quick change of course. Possibly the rock was not detected sooner because of Sonar problems.
21 Nov 2001: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder and heads for Norwegian waters for trials and exercises.
5 Dec 2001: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
7 Jan 2002: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port) for a long trip of several months and will not return to Den Helder until April. During this trip she will participate in several exercises in the Mediterranean Sea.
After 5 days they are off Gibraltar (were they have to embark and pick up some men). Anong the men is an Royal Navy "Searider' who will train the command team.
21 Jan - 25 Jan 2002: Bruinvis visits Crete (Greece), the sub docks at Souda Bay.
25 Feb: Bruinvis visits Aksaz (Turkey).
Several VIPs visit the boat for a reception. One admiral is so busy with his salute that he walks straight into the water.
17 Mar 2002 at 07:30 hrs: A power supply of a recorder in the radio cabin catches fire. Fortunate there is no major damage.
29 Mar - 4 Apr 2002: Bruinvis visits Malta.
4 Apr 2002: Bruinvis departs from Malta.
? Apr 2002: Bruinvis visits La Coruna (Spain).
13 Apr 2002: Dutch soccer player Roy Makaay and his family visit the Bruinvis.
? 2002: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
22 May - 22 June 2002: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port) for another trip
She sails to an area South of England. In this exercise area the submarine also exercises with the Dutch Squadron.
7 June - 10 June 2002: Bruinvis visits Plymouth (England).
13 June 2002: Bruinvis arrives in Cork (Ireland).
?17 June 2002: Bruinvis visits Devonport (England).?
22 June 2002: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
12,13 and 14 July 2002: Bruinvis is open to the public during the Netherlands Navy Days in Den Helder.
13 Aug 2002: Bruinvis is put ashore with the "scheepslift" in order to clean and repaint her hull.
19 Aug 2002 - 28 Aug 2003 (July 2003 has also been reported): Bruinvis is under the command of F.A.W. van Driel.
23 Aug 2002: The Dutch Submarine Service (OZD) celebrates its 95th anniversary in Amsterdam. Actually the 95th anniversary would have been on 21 Dec 2001 (since the first Dutch sub, the O 1, was commissioned on 21 Dec 1906) but it is celebrated today because all 4 Dutch submarines are now in port and open to the public.
31 Aug 2003: Bruinvis is put back in the water and during the following week the boat is re-supplied (torpedo's/water/fuel/food/etcetera)
7 Sep - 29 Nov 2002: Bruinvis makes a trip to the FOST area South of England.
7 Sep 2002: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port).
13 Sep - 16 2002: Bruinvis visits Plymouth (England).
25 Sep- 29 Sep 2002: Bruinvis visits Cardiff (England).
11 Oct 2002: Bruinvis visits Falmouth (England).
18 Oct 2002: Bruinvis visits Devonport (England).
29 Nov 2002: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
3 Feb - 9 Mar 2003: Bruinvis makes a trip to the East coast of England and Scotland.
3 Feb 2003: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port).
After two days they submerge in the FOST exercise area. Off Plymouth some additional men are transferred (by boat) to the Bruinvis in order to test the crew.
9 Feb 2003: Bruinvis visits Plymouth Sound (England). The 'trainers' embark and the submarine moor's at the buoy. That evening there is also a captains dinner.
10 Feb 2003: In the afternoon the Bruinvis almost looses her mooring so it is decided to head to sea again.
After two day exercising in the FOST areas they surface and head for New Castle.
14 Feb - 16 Feb 2003: Bruinvis visits Newcastle (England).
Check page for Bruinvis in the 2000s some related photos
Bruinvis performs a TFX (Torpedo Firing Exercise).
21 Feb - 24 Feb 2003: Bruinvis visits Dundee (Scotland).
No boat has ever visited Dundee before. Therefore the visit of Bruinvis is celebrated (together with the crew of Mercuur (4)) with a reception.
Bruinvis participates in a JMC (Joint Maritime Course) exercise.
9 Mar 2003: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
5 Apr - 23 Apr 2003: Bruinvis makes a short trip to Norway and Scotland.
Bruinvis voyage is part of the Dutch International SubMarine Commanders Course (aka Prisher Course / NL-SMCC). About five future submarine commanders, among them only one Dutch officer, are trained/tested for commanding a diesel submarine. Other units that participate are the Witte de Wit and two Danish units. The five students all pass the test.
5 Apr 2002 at 10:00 hrs (scheduled): Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port).
17 Apr - 20 Apr 2003: Bruinvis visits Tórshavn (Fareöer).
Some time during the visit the submarine is open to the public.
23 Apr 2003: Bruinvis arrives in Den Helder (home port).
19 May - ? 2003: Bruinvis makes a trip in order to follow-up on the SubMarine Commanders Course from the last trip.
28 Aug 2003 - Today: Bruinvis is under the command of J. van Zanten.
5 Sep - 7 Sep 2003: Bruinvis participates in the World Harbour Days in Rotterdam. During these days she will be open to the public. Some relating photos can be found at the following picture page: Bruinvis in the 2000s.
5 Sep 2003 at 09:00 hrs: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port).
5 Sept 2003 at 19:30 hrs: Bruinvis arrives at the Parkkade in Rotterdam.
8 Sep 2003: Bruinvis departs from Rotterdam and arrives in Den Helder (home port) the same day.
15 Sep - ? 2003: Bruinvis makes a trip to the Mediterranean Sea.
15 Sep 2003: Bruinvis departs from Den Helder (home port)
20 Sep 2003: Bruinvis arrives in Lisbon (Portugal).
22 Sep 2003: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Lisbon (Portugal).
The period between Lisbon and Cartegena is used for trials for FEL/TNO research.
3 Oct (at 14:30 hrs) - 6 Oct 2003: Bruinvis visits Cartagena (Spain).
Bruinvis exercises with an other submarine and also fires several exercise torpedo's (picked up by Mercuur (4)).
11 Oct - 15 Oct 2003: Bruinvis visits in Palma de Mallorca (Spain).
21 Oct - 27 Oct 2003: Dolfijn (4), Bruinvis and Mercuur (4) visit Barcelona (Spain). Mercuur (4) departs on the 26th.
5 Nov 2003: Bruinvis, Dolfijn (4) and Mercuur (4) are scheduled to arrive in Den Helder (home port).
After this Mediterranean trip Bruinvis will be de-commissioned and docked for maintenance.
Bruinvis is still docked for maintenance in Den Helder.
23 Nov 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart for Kristiansand (Norway).
26 Nov 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled arrive in Kristiansand (Norway).
26 Nov 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled depart from Kristiansand (Norway).
1 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Boknafjord (Norway).
4 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Boknafjord (Norway).
6 and 7 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive+depart Ulsness (Norway).
8 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart fromUlsness (Norway).
13 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Stavanger (Norway).
15 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Wilhelmshaven (Germany).
15 Dec 2004: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Wilhelmshaven (Germany).
? 2004 - ? 2005: Bruinvis is at the Den Helder Navy Yard for maintenance.
14 February 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Bergen (Norway).
10 March 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Faslane (Scotland).
14 March 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Faslane (Scotland).
3 Apr 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Plymouth (England).
6 Apr 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Plymouth (England).
8 Apr 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Den Helder (home port).
24 May 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Rota (Spain).
26 May 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Rota (Spain).
2 June 2005: Bruinvis is visiting Faslane (Scotland).
8 July 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to departs from Den Helder (home port) and arrives in Zeebrugge (Belgium) the same day.
9 - 10 July 2005: Bruinvis visits Zeebrugge during The Belgium Defence naval Days, she is open to the public.
10 July 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Zeebrugge (Belgium).
11 July 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Den Helder (home port).
15 - 17 July 2005: During the Vlootdagen (Fleet Days) in Den Helder the Bruinvis, Zeeleeuw (2), Dolfijn (4) and Mercuur (4) are open to the public.
6 Oct 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to depart from Den Helder (home port).
21 Oct 2005: Bruinvis is scheduled to arrive in Aksaz (Turkey).
Bruinvis related pages Bruinvis boat history Bruinvis in the 2000's Walrus (2) class video footage Bruinvis related books Off-site Hr. Ms. Bruinvis homepage
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