For additional photos and information please check the 'related pages list' at the bottom of this page.
3 Sep 1921: K XIII is ordered.
15 Oct 1923: K XIII is laid down at the Fijenoord shipyard in Rotterdam.
23 Dec 1924: K XIII is launched.
19??: During trials the K XIII is tested up to a depth of 60 meters.
29 Mar 1926: K XIII is commissioned to the Royal Netherlands Navy.
29 Mar - 13 Dec 1926: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II .
27 May - 13 Dec 1926: The K XIII sails unescorted from Nieuwediep (Netherlands) to the Dutch East Indies (N.E.I.), during which Prof. Dr. F.A. Vening Meinesz, B.Sc. conducts gravity measurements. The K XIII takes the route via Horta, Las Palmas, Willemstad, Colon, Mazatlan, San Francisco, Honolulu, Guam, Yap, Manila, Ambon and Birma.
24 Aug 1926: K XIII arrives in San Francisco (USA).
31 Aug 1926: "San Francisco celebrates Queen's day in honour of the K XIII, a submarine harbouring as guest with the Pacific fleet on a scientific solo trip involving the crossing of both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean, the mayor ordered the manufacturing of thousands of flags in a single night and it's said that that day alongside every Old Glory world's oldest current national flag was flown" (Text courtesy of T. Westerhof)
Note: In 1926 Wilhelmina was Queen and Queens day was celebrated on August 31st
20 Sep -2 Oct 1926 K XIII visits Honolulu (Hawaii).
31 Oct - 2 Nov 1926 K XIII visits Yap (?).
9 Nov - 18 Nov 1926 K XIII visits Manila (Philippines).
25 Nov - 30 Nov 1926 K XIII visits fort Victoria (Ambon, N.E.I.).
1 Dec - 2 Dec 1926: K XIII visits Banda Neira (N.E.I.).
6 Dec - 12 Dec 1926: K XIII visits Birma (N.E.I.).
13 Dec 1926: K XIII arrives in Soerabaja (home port N.E.I.).
Feb 1927 - 19??: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II .
K XIII makes a trip to Christmas Island on behalf of Prof. Dr. F.A. Vening Meinesz, B.Sc. who conducts gravity measurements.
For more information on gravity measurements and the Professor's submarine voyages read the book .
1928: Crew split up in 22 Europeans and 9 natives.
8 June 1929 - 1 Mar 1930: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II .
K XIII makes a trip on behalf of Prof. Dr. F.A. Vening Meinesz, B.Sc. who conducts gravity measurements.
4 Oct 1930: The King of Siam witnesses a 'dive demonstration' performed by the K XIII at Tandjong Priok (Batavia/Jakarta).
K XIII makes a trip to the Gulf of Boni and Makassar Strait on behave of Prof. Dr. Ir. F.A. Vening Meinesz who conducts gravity measurements.
For more information about gravity measurements and the Professor's submarine voyages read the book .
27 Jan 1931 - 8 July 1933: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II / Ltz. I .
K XIII makes a trip to Sumatra on behave of Prof. Dr. Ir. F.A. Vening Meinesz who conducts gravity measurements.
? 1933 - May 1935: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II / Ltz. I .
1935: Complement now 34.
29 Oct 1935 - 6 Feb 1936: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. I t.
6 Feb - 10 Aug 1936: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. I .
Sep 1937 - 25 Oct 1937: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. I .
25 Oct 1937 - 17 Jan 1938: K XIII or the K XVIII is under the command of Ltz. II . Other sources report the sub is under the command of .
25 Nov 1937 - =< 17 Jan 1938: The Cdt , , is stationed on board the K XVII.
17 Jan 1938 - 13 Apr 1940: K XIII is under the command of ?
6 Sep 1938: To celebrate the fact that Queen Wilhelmina is 40 years head of state a fleet show is held in Soerabaja. Twenty navy ships and three Gouvernementsmarine vessels sail past the Commander Naval Forces V.Adm. Ferwerda, French V.Adm. Le Bigot and East-Java Governor Ch.O. van der Plas, who are all on board the Rigel.The following submarines participate in the fleet show: K XVIII, K XVII, K XV, K XIV, K XIII and K XII.1939
?Sep 1939? - Dec 1941: K XII is part of the "operations for enforcing neutrality".
13 Apr - 6 July 1940: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. II .
10 May 1940: Germany attacks the Netherlands.
9 Sep - 20 Sep 1940: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. I .
20 Sep 1941 - 6 Jan 1942: K XIII is under the command of Ltz. I .
K XIII in Soerabaja, year unknown.
7 Dec - 16 Dec 1941: K XIII patrols off Malaya and in the South China Sea.
10 Dec 1941: K XIII unsuccessfully attacks the Japanese invasion fleet off the north east coast of Malaya.
8 Dec - 21 Dec 1941: K XIII is based at Singapore and is under British Eastern Fleet operational control.
7 Dec 1941: The USA declares war on Japan after Japanese forces attack Pearl Harbour. Approximately 7 hours after the attack the Netherlands also declares war on Japan.
7 Dec 1941: The CZM radios the message #1207-2215 "War with Japan has broken out".
9 Dec 1941: C-in-C Eastern Fleet orders (#154 1413 9Dec'41) Submarine Divisions and (O 16, K XVII, K XI, K XIII, K XII) to form a line N180ºE, distance between the submarines should be 20 miles. O 16 should be 40 miles South of the Poeloe Obi Light at 08º26'N-104º50'E. At Dec 10 at 23:30 MTG, but not sooner, the boats have to sail a general course of N260ºE between Kota Bharu, Malacca and Singora, Thailand. This because a large number of transports has been spotted off the coast 05º30'N and 07º30'N (#156 1209-2045).
13 Dec 1941: C-in-C Eastern Fleet orders (#312 ) O 16 to return to Singapore East Sanctuary during daylight of 16 or 17 December. Staying submarines are to take positions at best speed between Anambas and the Malaya shore, on a line of bearing 310º from Mangkai light, 20 miles apart in the sequence K XII, K XIII, K XI, K XVII. K XII is to be 20 miles from Mangkai light.
14 Dec - 16 Dec 1941: K XIII patrols near the Pahang and Kuantang river (east coast of Malaya).
14 Dec 1941: Japanese planes bomb Tarempah (Anambas Islands) which is Netherlands East Indies territory.
15 Dec 1941: C-in-C Eastern Fleet reports (#353 0009/15Dec'41) that enemy ladings are taking place, accompanied by war ships, near Pahang River, latitude 003º30N. Later C-in-C Eastern Fleet orders (#360 0330/15Dec'41) that K XVII, K XI, K XIII and K XII are to spread shore course of 270º from their positions.
21 Dec 1941: In Singapore harbour the K XIII is damaged due to a battery explosion, three men are killed and three are wounded. A tug tows her away from the wharf until the fire subdued. The wounded men are horribly injured by the explosion and the acid of the batteries. Currently they are buried at the Honorary Graveyard Kembang Kuning at Soerabaja.
Check for an eyewitness account of the explosion.
The names of the lost crew members are listed on the page.
21 Dec 1941 - 6 Jan 1942: Escorted by the destroyer Van Nes the K XIII returns to Soerabaja for repairs.
27 Dec 1941: Japanese invaders occupy Tambelan Islands, Dutch territory, between Borneo and Singapore.
Most of the crew of the K XIII is transferred to the K VIII.
6 Jan 1942: K XIII arrives in Soerabaja.
6 Jan - Mar 1942: K XIII is under repair at the Navy yard in Soerabaja.
2 Mar 1942: While under repairs in Soerabaja, the K XIII is scuttled in order to prevent the invading Japanese forces from capturing the damaged boat. She was scuttled (sunk) in front of the two submarine dry-docks.
K XIII related pages K XIII boat history K XIII in the 1920s or 1930s photo page K XIII related books
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